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钟亮1,2, 姜彤2, 韩正国3
关键词:  大尺度散粒体  明渠紊流  水面形态  流速分布
Flow structures around large-scale artificial roughness elements
ZHONG Liang1,2, JIANG Tong2, HAN Zhengguo3
1.National Engineering Research Center for Inland Waterway Regulation, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing;2.Key Laboratory of Hydraulic and Waterway Engineering of the Ministry of Education, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing;3.Zhejiang Yurui Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., Hangzhou
Large-scale artificial roughness (LSAR) is a common element of bed roughness in mountain rivers. To investigate the influence of LSAR morphology on surrounding flow structures, three LSAR shapes (cube, sphere, and tetrahedron) with the same height (Δ) were used in a single flume experiment. Instantaneous flow velocity data were acquired using an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter. The results show that: (1) When the water depth is small (h/Δ=0.9) and the LSAR is in a non-submerged state, the three LSAR shapes are surrounded by a downward Ushaped flow. The transverse flow area around the cube is the largest, the second largest is around the sphere, and the smallest around the tetrahedron. When the water depth increases (h/Δ=1.8) and the LSAR is in a submerged state, the transverse flow around it clearly weakens, and water flows over the LSAR and forms undulating downstream waves. (2) The resulting surface velocity Um/U increases as the Froude number (Fr) and the water hindrance area increases. When Fr is large, a high velocity zone in the surface layer appears near the plane centroid of the LSAR, and the maximum velocity in this zone can be up to 1.3 times the test velocity. The distribution shape of Um/U in the surface layer around the cube, sphere, and tetrahedron is that of an isosceles trapezium, bell-shaped, and rhombus, respectively. The high transverse velocity zone is in the 1.5Δ range on both sides of the plane centroid of the LSAR. The maximum value can be up to 0.19 times the test velocity. (3) When Fr is small, the LSAR has little influence on the vertical distribution of longitudinal velocity u/U. In the upstream section, u/U essentially follows a exponential distribution, and the distribution clearly changes at 1Δdownstream of the LSAR. Subsequently, the vertical distribution of u/U gradually returns to an exponential distribution. As Fr increases, the influence of LSAR on the vertical distribution of u/U gradually increases, and the distribution of u/U is no longer exponential.
Key words:  Large-scale artificial roughness  open-channel turbulence  water surface morphology  velocity distribution