摘要: |
安全监测是确保水利工程安全运行的重要措施,监测模型是安全监测分析的重要工具,在水库大坝中应用广泛,然而相关理论和研究在港口码头方面应用较少,鉴于港口码头工作环境及工作性态与水库大坝不同,亟需研究符合码头自身工作特点的安全监测模型。针对高桩码头裂缝效应量和原因量的变化规律,选取温度、风、堆荷和时效分量为高桩码头裂缝的主要影响因素,探讨了相应的因子表达形式;在此基础上,建立了高桩码头裂缝开合度监测的统计模型和最小二乘支持向量机模型,研究了模型评价方法,对监测序列进行拟合和预测,验证了模型的有效性和合理性。结果表明,所建立的高桩码头裂缝开合度模型具有较高的精度和一定的预测能力,可为分析高桩码头裂缝监测资料,以及监控高桩码头安全提供科学依据。 |
关键词: 高桩码头 裂缝开合度 统计模型 最小二乘支持向量机模型 |
DOI: |
分类号:U656 |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51609217); 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室开放基金(2015491411); 浙江省交通厅科技计划项目(2015-2-40) |
Study of monitoring model of crack opening displacement for high pile wharf |
CHEN Xudong1,2, LI Junjie1, HUO Zhongyan3
1.Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou;2.State Key Laboratory of HydrologyWater Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing;3.Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan
Abstract: |
Safety monitoring is an important measure for the safe operation of water conservancy projects. The monitoring model plays an important role in monitoring data analysis, and is widely used in the safety monitoring of reservoirs and dams. However, its relevant theories and studies are rarely applied in port terminals. Since high-pile wharves are different from reservoirs and dams in working environment and working behavior, it is necessary to develop a monitoring model for high-pile wharves considering their own working characteristics. In this paper, it is proposed that principal effect factors of crack opening displacement of high-pile wharves are the temperature component, wind component, heap load component and aging effect, according to the change law of dependent and independent variables. The expressions of these factors are given. On the basis of it, the statistical model and the least squares support vector machine (LSSVM) model of crack opening displacement are established respectively. The evaluation method for these models is developed. Models are used in the fitting and prediction of data series of crack opening displacement of a high-pile wharf. The effectiveness and reasonableness of the models are verified. The results show that the proposed models with high precision and certain prediction ability can provide scientific principles for data analysis and safety monitoring of high-pile wharves. |
Key words: high-pile wharves crack opening displacement statistical model LSSVM model |