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王峰1, 张铭2, 尤克诗1, 方向征1
内河航运工程常采用梯级枢纽建设或航道整治两种开发模式,在实际应用中需通过综合对比论证以优化开发方案。利用水动力数值计算方法,对金华江航运开发工程中灵马枢纽建设与航道深开挖两种方案效果进行对比分析,论证并优选工程建设方案。结果表明:若通过航道深开挖,研究河段最大疏浚深度超过5 m,水流归槽引起河道裸滩将破坏环境与生态;而灵马梯级枢纽建设方案不仅可使航道通航保证率提高至95%以上,还可显著改善该区域水生态环境与人文景观,是实现金华江Ⅳ级航道建设目标的必要条件。
关键词:  山区航道  航道疏浚  水动力计算  水文分析  水生态环境
Comparative analysis of Lingma hydropreject construction and deep channel excavation schemes for lower reaches of Jinhua River
WANG Feng1, ZHANG Ming2, YOU Keshi1, FANG Xiangzheng1
1.Jinhua Port and Navigation Bureau, Jinhua;2.State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing
The cascade hydropreject construction and waterway regulation are two development modes commonly used in the inland waterway navigation engineering. In practice, comprehensive comparison and demonstration is needed to optimize the development plan. By means of the hydrodynamic numerical calculation method, the effects of the Lingma hydropreject construction and deep excavation of waterway in the Jinhua River navigation development project are compared and analyzed, and the construction scheme is demonstrated and optimized in this paper. The analysis results show that if the maximum dredging depth is more than 5 m in the deep excavation of the waterway, the bare beach caused by the flow into the deep pool will bring damage to the environment and ecology. The Lingma cascade hydropreject construction scheme in the lower reaches of the Jinhua River can not only increase the navigation guarantee rate to more than 95%, but also significantly improve the water ecological environment and human landscape in the region. It is a necessary condition to achieve the goal of the Jinhua River class IV waterway construction.
Key words:  mountain waterway  waterway dredging  hydrodynamic calculation method  hydrological analysis  water ecological environment