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宋家东1, 杨锐2, 杨峰3, 章景涛4, 强晟4, 华夏5
1.河南省水利第一工程局, 河南郑州;2.中国电建集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司, 陕西西安;3.河南省出山店水库建设管理局,河南郑州;4.河海大学水利水电学院,江苏南京;5.普渡大学机械工程学院,美国印第安纳西拉法叶
关键词:  新老混凝土  切向刚度  剪切试验  早龄期  缝面单元
Development rule of tangential stiffness of new and old concrete joint faces at early age and its application in temperature control simulation
SONG Jiadong1, YANG Rui2, YANG Feng3, ZHANG Jingtao4, QIANG Sheng4, HUA Xia5
1.The First Hydraulic Engineering Bureau of Henan Province, Zhengzhou;2.China Power Northwest Engineering Coporation Limited, Xi’an;3.Chushandian Reservoir Construction Administration Bureau of Henan Province, Zhengzhou;4.College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing;5.School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, Indiana
Due to the lack of research on the development rule of early age mechanical properties of new and old concrete joint faces, the strength of the joint face is generally considered to be the same as that of pouring blocks, which leads to large mutual restraint of new and old concrete on the intermittent surface, and further causes a relatively large stress calculation value in the pouring block. In this paper, an experiment is designed to test the early age shear stiffness of new and old concrete joint faces, and the required parameter duration curve is obtained. Then the test results are applied to the simulation of temperature field and stress field during the construction period of the actual concrete dams. The results show that when the joint face elements considering the early age strength development are set on the intermittent surface, the constraint condition of new and old concrete joint faces can be reasonably simulated. The calculated tensile stress of the pouring block is relatively small, which is more in line with the actual phenomenon.
Key words:  new and old concrete  tangential stiffness  shear test  early age  joint face element