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陈灯红1,2, 谢京辉1,2, 杨乃鑫1,2
关键词:  增量动力分析  坝体-地基-库水相互作用  黏弹性边界  流固耦合  抗震性能评价
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51309143); 三峡大学科学基金资助项目(KJ2013B003); 防灾减灾湖北省重点实验室(三峡大学)开放研究基金资助项目(2016KJZ17)
A study of seismic performance of concrete gravity dam based on incremental dynamic analysis
CHEN Denghong1,2, XIE Jinghui1,2, YANG Naixin1,2
1.Hubei Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation(China Three Gorges University), Yichang;2.College of Civil Engineering & Architecture, China Three Gorges University, Yichang
Based on the performance of the seismic design concept for the concrete dam, the incremental dynamic analysis method (IDA) is adopted to evaluate the seismic performance of the gravity dam according to the results of the sub-analysis. Taking the Koyna gravity dam as a case study, the traditional model with massless foundation and added mass method and the seismic dam-foundation-reservoir interaction model with the viscous spring boundary and fluid-solid coupling method are respectively developed in this study. 16 earthquake records are taken as the ground inputs; the ground peak acceleration is selected as the earthquake strength index and the relative displacement of the crest as the structural performance index. Then, the IDA curves are plotted and the results of the two models are compared. The research results show that the new model has a high overall safety redundancy for the PGA with different guarantee rates, which is about 10% ~ 20% higher as compared to the traditional model. And the calculation results of the seismic analysis model established by the traditional method are conservative; the ultimate seismic capacity of the Koyna dam is about 0.45g, and its function guarantee level is about 0.34g. The traditional method is conservative and the incremental dynamic analysis method will also provide a new idea for the seismic design of dams in the future.
Key words:  incremental dynamic analysis (IDA)  seismic dam-foundation-reservoir interaction  viscous-spring boundary  fluid-solid coupling  seismic performance assessment