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何亮1,2, 景宏彬3, 李国英2
关键词:  残余变形  加筋堆石料  筋材  动力三轴试验
Analysis of dynamic residual deformation characteristics of reinforced rockfill
HE Liang1,2, JING Hongbin3, LI Guoying2
1.Changzhou Institute of Technology, Changzhou;2.Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing;3.Shaanxi Water Affair Group Co., Ltd., Xian
Based on the dynamic triaxial testing results of the rockfill materials, studies of the variation law of residual deformation of the rockfill materials before and after reinforcement are carried out in the paper. The analysis results show that with the increase of vibration times, the role of reinforcement is beginning to manifest, and the differences between the residual deformation of the rockfill materials before and after reinforcement are increasing. The residual deformation of the rockfill materials increases with the increase of the confining pressure and the dynamic stress ratio. The reinforcing effects of the three-layer reinforcement are better than those of the one-layer reinforcement, but with the increase of the reinforcement layer, the decrease range of the residual deformation of the rockfill materials will gradually decrease. The size of the reinforcement mesh has little influence on the residual deformation of the reinforced rockfill materials. In addition, an exponential empirical formula developed in this study can well simulate the relationships between the residual shear strains and vibration frequency of the reinforced rockfill materials.
Key words:  residual deformation  reinforced rockfill materals  reinforcement  dynamic three axis test