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王立辉1, 王坤1,2, 王宗志2, 程亮2, 刘克琳2, 谢伟杰1,2, 何岩雨1
关键词:  淮河中游  洪水演进  行洪区  一维模型
Flood simulation with multiple flood detention areas in the middle reaches of the Huaihe River Ⅰ:development of flood routing model
WANG Lihui1, WANG Kun1,2, WANG Zongzhi2, CHENG Liang2, LIU Kelin2, XIE Weijie1,2, HE Yanyu1
1.Fuzhou University, Fuzhou;2.State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing
The middle reaches of the Huaihe River contain multiple flood detention areas and several dikes. It is difficult and yet imperative to develop a flood simulation model with high precision and calculation rate for the scientific flood management of the river basin. Using the MIKE11 software developed by the Danish Hydraulic Institute, the flood detention areas were simulated as one-dimensional rivers, according to the different control methods of each entrance of the flood detention area. This was done using different generalization methods and setting reasonable control parameters to realize the conversion process of the flood between the Huaihe River and the flood detention areas, with the principles of flood routing time and flood storage invariant. A method to generalize the channel profiles of the flood detention area was put forward, and we could use the reservoir water level-capacity curve when we lacked information about the terrain in the area. This model was calibrated and verified using the observed flood data of the years 2007 and 2003. The results show that the model has high precision and can quickly simulate the flood routing process and scheduling rules in this basin. The model can be useful for scientific management and real-time decision-making regarding floods in the middle reaches of the Huaihe River. The modeling process is of significance as a reference for developing flood routing models of rivers with numerous gates and dams.
Key words:  middle reaches of the Huaihe River  flood routing  flood detention area  one-dimensional model