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蒋建平, 杨栓
上海海事大学 海洋科学与工程学院, 上海
关键词:  水平荷载  非线性  改进p-y曲线  部分埋置桩  差分法  地层结构
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(41372319); 上海市教委科研创新项目(14YZ101); 上海市研究生教育创新计划实施项目(水利工程一级博士点培育)(20131129)
A calculation of horizontal loaded single pile based on improved p-y curve method
JIANG Jianping, YANG Shuan
College of Ocean Science and Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai
Based on the Winkler foundation beam model and the improved p-y curve method, this paper presents a method to calculate the bending moment and displacement of a partially embedded single pile under complex lateral loading. In this method, the nonlinearity between the soil plasticity, soil resistance and the horizontal displacement is taken into account, the finite difference method for solving this problem is used, and the corresponding Matlab program is given. And then an accurate theoretical solution can be carried out easily by the developed method. In order to obtain the best stratigraphic texture from the different stratigraphic textures constructed, the displacement and the bending moment of the pile are compared. The results show that the treatment of surface soil is very important. The validity of the proposed method is demonstrated through the comparison between the calculation results of the proposed method and the field experimental results. The use of the developed method can meet the engineering accuracy requirements, and reduce the difficulty of soil parameters acquisition and the engineering cost at the same time.
Key words:  lateral loading  nonlinear  improved p-y curve  partially embedded piles  finite difference method  stratigraphic texture