摘要: |
在海岸工程中,台风浪的影响较大。为了提高台风风场模拟精度,基于Holland台风风场模型,选取不同的最大风速半径参数和B参数进行组合,将模型构造风场与实测浮标风速资料进行比较分析,误差统计表明,Willoughby风速半径公式和Vickery的Holland B参数公式组合之后的计算误差最小,对风场的模拟效果最好。然后采用SWAN近岸波浪模型,选取最优风场参数,模拟了1323号“菲特”台风过境期间浙南地区的台风浪。模拟结果表明,最优组合参数生成的台风风场,对台风浪的模拟结果较好。当台风登陆时,温州地区的有效波高超过了10 m,明显高于其他区域,近岸波高等值线分布较为密集,台风移动方向右侧有效波高相对较大。台风进入内陆以后,波高迅速减小至4 m左右。 |
关键词: Holland风场模型 最大风速半径 B参数 SWAN波浪模型 |
DOI: |
分类号:P731 |
基金项目:中央科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(JG1408);广东海洋大学近海海洋变化与灾害重点实验室开放基金(GLOD1405) |
Numerical calculation and research of typhoon waves based on Holland wind field |
YANG Wankang1,2,3, YIN Baoshu1, YI Xiaofei4, YANG Qingying3, SHI Weiyong3
1.Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao;2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing;3.Key Laboratory of Engineering Oceanography, Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou;4.College of Ocean and Meteorology, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang
Abstract: |
The typhoon waves play an important role in the coastal engineering. In order to improve the typhoon wind field simulation accuracy, different maximum wind speed radius formulae and B parameters are calculated based on Holland wind field model. Comparisons between the modeled and the observed data are made in this study. From the research results it is found that the Willoughby wind radius formula combined with Vickery B parameter formula has generated a minimum error, improving the accuracy of wind field. A SWAN wave model with optimal wind field parameters is applied to simulate the No. 1323 typhoon waves. Simulation results show a satisfactory qualitative agreement with the measured wave height. The analysis results show that when the typhoon landed, the significant wave height of the Wenzhou region was obviously higher than that of other areas. The value of the significant wave height exceeded 10 m. The wave height distribution contour lines near the shore was relatively dense. On the right side of the moving direction of the typhoon, the significant wave height was higher. After moving inland, the typhoon wave height decreased quickly and reduced to 4 m or so. |
Key words: Holland wind field model maximum wind radius B parameter SWAN wave model |