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李火坤1, 邓冰梅1, 曾秀娟1, 张利荣2, 李宜忠2
堤防决口水流的水力学特性对于制定决口封堵方案至关重要。基于FLOW 3D建立了模拟堤防决口水流的三维数值模型,首先对局部瞬间溃决水流水位场分布进行了三维数值模拟,模拟计算结果与C. Biscarini等代表性文献介绍的研究结果吻合较好,印证了数值模型的可靠性和准确性。以某流域河流堤防为例,建立了不同决口口门形状(U形、V形、T1形和T2形)的决口水流三维数值模型,计算分析了4种口门形状下决口附近的水位场及流速场分布规律。结果表明:进入决口后水流发生急速的侧向收缩和纵向跌落,决口处水深和流速在垂直水流方向断面上呈两侧小中间大的近似拱形分布,决口进口附近水流最大流速出现在决口左侧堤脚。数值模型和模拟方法可为制定堤防决口的最佳堵口方案提供技术参考。
关键词:  堤防决口  口门形状  三维数值模拟  水力学特性  FLOW-3D
分类号:TV871; TV122+.4
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(51269019,51469015) ;广东省水利科技创新基金资助项目(2014-08)
3D numerical simulation of hydraulics characteristics of levee breach flow
LI Huo-kun1, DENG Bing-mei1, ZENG Xiu-juan1, ZHANG Li-rong2, LI Yi-zhong2
1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Nanchang University, Nanchang;2.The No.2 General Team of the Chinese Armed Police Hydropower Troops, Nanchang
The hydraulic characteristics of flow caused by the levee breach are very important for working out the schemes for closure of breach when there is a sudden levee breach due to breaking. A 3D numerical model is established to simulate the sudden levee breach flow based on the FLOW-3D software, by which, first, the 3D numerical simulation of distribution of the water level field induced by local instantaneous breaking flow has been carried out. And it is found that the calculated results based on FLOW-3D software have a good agreement with the representative research results given by C. Biscarini, which has verified the reliability and accuracy of the numerical model in this paper. Taking the levee located on a river basin as an example, a 3D numerical model is set up for the levee breakdown water flow outflowing from different levee breach ( including U-shaped, V-shaped, T1 and T2-shaped breaches). At the same time, and the distribution characteristics of the water level and velocity field near the breach in the case of these four breach shapes were calculated and analyzed. The simulated and analyzed results show that there was a rapidly lateral contraction and longitudinal fall of the water flow after inflowing into the breach, and the water depth and velocity lines at the breach appear to be approximate arched profile, which being small on both sides and large in the middle along the vertical water flow cross-section direction. And the maximum water flow velocities close to the levee breach occurred at the left toe. The numerical model and the simulation methods based on FLOW-3D software presented by this paper can provide a technical reference for working out the best schemes for the emergency closure of breach.
Key words:  levee breach  levee breach shapes  3D numerical simulation  hydraulic characteristics  FLOW 3D software