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沈雨生, 周益人, 潘军宁, 王兴刚
关键词:  浮式防波堤  透射系数  结构型式  工程应用  研究进展
基金项目:交通运输部应用基础研究项目(2014 329 746 340);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目(Y215013)
Research progress and application of floating breakwater
SHEN Yu-sheng, ZHOU Yi-ren, PAN Jun-ning, WANG Xing-gang
Key Laboratory of Port, Waterway and Sedimentation Engineering of the Ministry of Transport, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing
Compared to other traditional breakwaters, the floating breakwater can be applied to the conditions with relatively deep water, weak foundation, macro tidal range and requirements of water exchange, and has broad application prospects in many fields, such as harbors, coastal works, ocean engineering, and marine culture, etc. In the study, the main research achievements and research progress of the floating breakwaters are summarized based on plenty of references. Calculation methods of wave transmission coefficient of the floating breakwaters, including theoretical derivation, empirical formulas and numerical simulations, are summarized and analyzed in the study. The research and development conditions of the structural types of the floating breakwaters are introduced and the wave attenuation mechanism and effectiveness of different structual types including pontoon type, raft type and their improved structure types are focused. The engineering application cases of the floating breakwaters both at home and abroad are introduced, and the main reasons of their application limits are also analyzed. Finally, a few deficiencies in the present research are pointed out, and future development directions and some key problems are put forward to further promote the engineering application of the floating breakwaters in the future.
Key words:  floating breakwater  transmission coefficient  structural type  engineering application  research progress