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庞琼1, 王士军2, 谷艳昌2, 张云宝3
关键词:  病险水库  土石坝  垂直防渗措施  防渗原理  除险加固  适用性
A review of vertical anti-seepage reinforcement measures for earth and rockfilled dam
PANG Qiong1, WANG Shi-jun1,2, GU Yan-chang1,2, ZHANG Yun-bao3
1.Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute;2.Dam Safety Management Center, Ministry of Water Resources, PRC;3.Tibet Manla Water Conservancy Bureau
There are a large number of earth and rockfill dams in China. Seepage problems are easy to cause dam diseases or dangers, which seriously endanger the safety operation of the earth and rockfill dams. In recent years, our government is comprehensively carrying out a series of reinforcement measures to solve various problems of dangerous reservoirs and dams. As the result of the outstanding seepage control effect, different kinds of vertical anti-seepage reinforcement measures are widely used in many practical engineering projects. By collecting reinforcement information of the dangerous earth and rockfill dam, carrying out field investigation analysis and referring to a large number of relevant literatures, common vertical anti-seepage reinforcement measures for the earth and rockfill dams are mainly summarized as grouting, cut-off wall, geosynthetic materials technology and others. In this paper, the history and the development of each vertical anti-seepage reinforcement measure are described in detail. And the seepage control design principles, the seepage control mechanism and the construction technology for each vertical anti-seepage reinforcement measure are also analyzed in detail. Characteristics of each vertical anti-seepage reinforcement measure, such as the thickness of impervious body, the depth they can process, their seepage control effect, the engineering construction situation, the impacts on environment, their investment cost, the suitable stratum they can be applied to, the work efficiency of the project construction and so on, are compared and analyzed for the purpose of studies of their applicability. By the above analysis, in order to choose a proper vertical anti-seepage reinforcement measure for a specific earth and rockfill dam project, the topography and geological conditions in dam foundation, the difficulty of construction, the impacts on the environment, the investment cost and many other factors should be taken into consideration comprehensively.
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