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刘红1, 谢军2, 熊志强2, 陈中2, 陈海英2
1.中交上海航道勘察设计研究院有限公司,华东师范大学 河口海岸学国家重点实验室;2.中交上海航道勘察设计研究院有限公司
关键词:  横沙东滩  淤泥质海岸  波流共同作用  滩涂  围垦  促淤  计算模式
Analysis of silting calculation for reclamation works under wave and current interaction
LIU Hong1,2, XIE Jun1, XIONG Zhi-qiang1, CHEN Zhong1, CHEN Hai-ying1
1.Shanghai Waterway Engineering Design and Consulting Co.,Ltd.;2.State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University
A new silting calculation method for the reclamation works under the wave and current interaction has been established by improving Wang Yi-gang′s calculation method applied to muddy coast shore reclamation. The coefficients of flood and ebb averaged sediment-carrying capability formula under the wave and current interaction are determined by the measured data of current velocity, wind speed and suspended sediment concentration, and the analysis results are significantly better than those which only consider the tidal flow. The siltation intensity of the eastern Hengsha shoal enclosure engineering has been calculated using the above method and the calibrated sediment-carrying capability formula, and the research results agree with the measured values. Because of considering the wave contribution to the sediment concentration, this model has obvious advantages over the calculation model only considering the tidal action. This model can be further tried to calculate the siltation intensity of the reclamation works placed in the silty and sandy tidal flat.
Key words:  eastern Hengsha shoal  muddy coast  interactions of wave and current  shore reclamation  silting  calculation mode