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何宁1, 何斌1, 张中流1, 汪璋淳1, 钱亚俊1, 邵翰林2
摘 要:板桩码头桩体结构受力变形状态是评价其安全运行的重要指标。本文基于分布式光纤模型试验及应用研究成果,提出了一种新型桩体受力和变形分布式监测技术,并成功应用于板桩码头钢筋混凝土灌注桩原型试验研究中。该监测技术能够克服传统点式监测方法分辨率及准确度不足的缺点,实现桩长范围内全深度及施工过程全周期的实时监测。其测量结果能够准确反映港池开挖过程中板桩码头桩体结构变形、弯矩和受力等分布变化规律,及时对板桩码头的运行及施工情况进行有效监测评估,可以为板桩码头的持续稳定运行提供安全保障及施工指导,具有一定的工程实用价值。
关键词:  板桩码头  分布式光纤传感技术  受力变形监测  安全运行
Experimental study of sheet pile wharf based on distributed optical fiber monitoring technology
He Ning1, He Bin1, Zhang zhong-liu1, Wang Zhang-chun1, Qian Ya-jun1, Shao Han-lin2
1.Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute;2.Nanjing CaZor Instruments Co., Ltd
Abstract: Stress and deformation state of sheet pile wharf are important standards for its safe operation. Based on the results of distributed optical fiber model test and application research, a new distributed monitoring technology for stress and deformation of piles is proposed in this paper, which has been successfully applied to the prototype test of reinforced concrete cast-in-situ piles for sheet pile wharf. This monitoring method can overcome the shortcomings of traditional point monitoring methods in terms of resolution and accuracy, and realize the real-time monitoring for pile structure in full depth and full period of construction. The measurement results can accurately reflect the distribution of deformation,bending moment and stress along the pile length during the whole process of harbor basin excavation, and effectively evaluate the operation and construction conditions in time, which can provide safety guarantee and guidance for the continuous stable operation of sheet pile wharf, and has certain engineering practical significance.
Key words:  sheet pile wharf  distributed optical fiber sensing technology  stress and deformation monitoring  safety operation