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余欣1,2, 侯素珍1,2, 李勇1,2, 史学建1,3
2017年7月25—26日无定河流域降大到暴雨,支流大理河发生建站以来的最大洪水,无定河下游形成高含沙洪水。为深入认识“7.26”暴雨无定河流域产沙和输沙等情况,选择典型小流域进行了侵蚀调查和淤地坝拦沙观测,对城区淤积及河道冲刷进行了调查和测量,采用不同方法对坡面和沟谷产沙进行分析。结果表明,无定河“2017.7.26”暴雨分布集中,单站最大24 h降雨量近100年一遇,无定河白家川水文站洪峰流量为建站以来第二大值,相应最大含沙量873 kg/m3;洪水期输沙量64.1%来自大理河流域;以闷葫芦淤地坝拦沙分析为依据,推算“2017.7.26”暴雨期无定河流域侵蚀产沙量约为1.249亿t,其中70%~85%来自沟谷坡,在泥沙沿程输移过程中,淤地坝拦沙对减少河道输沙入黄起重要作用。
关键词:  无定河  暴雨  洪水  泥沙来源  淤地坝拦沙  侵蚀产沙
Identifying sediment sources in Wudinghe River during “7.26” flood in 2017
YU Xin1,2, HOU Suzhen1,2, LI Yong1,2, SHI Xuejian1,3
1.Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research, Zhengzhou;2.MWR Key Laboratory of Yellow River Sediment, Zhengzhou;3.MWR Key Laboratory of Soil and Water Loss Process and Control in the Loess Plateau, Zhengzhou
On July 25-26, 2017, a rainstorm fell in the Wudinghe River watershed, where the largest flood occurred since monitoring in the Dalihe River, a tributary of the Wudinghe River. A hyperconcentrated flood was generated downstream of the Wudinghe River. To understand the sediment yield and transport in the Wudinghe River watershed during the rainstorm, a typical small catchment was selected to survey soil erosion and monitor sediment retaining of the check dam, as well as urban area siltation and channel scouring, with analysis of sediment yield at slopes and gullies by various approaches. Rainstorm concentrated locally with 24 hours maximum precipitation reached 100-year frequency. Baiwenchuan Hydraulic Station recorded the second maximum flood discharge since its establishment, with an extremum 873 kg/m3 sediment concentration. 64.1% of sediment came from the Dalihe River watershed during the flood. Taking Mehulu check dam as an example, the sediment yield of the Wudinghe River watershed was about 0.124 9 billion ton with 70%~85% from gully slopes. Check dams played a key role in reduction of sediment transport into the Yellow River.
Key words:  Wudinghe River  rainstorm  flood  sediment source  sediment retaining of check dam  soil erosion and sediment yield