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王新1,2, 胡亚安1,2, 李中华1,2, 严秀俊1,2
船厢出入水过程中复杂的流固耦合作用是下水式升船机关键技术问题。针对目前世界上最大的船厢下水式升船机——景洪水力式升船机船厢出入水过程中的力学问题,首次通过系统的原型观测,研究揭示船厢出入水过程中厢体的受力变形特性、船厢的倾斜量及同步轴扭矩的变化规律、船厢的振动响应与噪声及附加水动力荷载特性,并探讨了船厢出入水运行速度的影响。观测结果表明,船厢入水过程中由于船厢侧荷载发生显著变化,船厢发生最大弯曲变形约2.7 cm,船厢纵倾增大不足20 mm,最大扭矩变化162 kN•m,船厢振动、噪声、吸附力均不大;不同速度出入水,各项参数变化规律一致,但随速度增大,各参数呈增大趋势;船厢出水后能够完全恢复到入水前状态,出入水过程稳定收敛,船厢出水启动瞬间和船厢底铺板脱离水面时刻是出入水过程的关键节点,各项参数变化迅速。观测结果不仅为景洪升船机安全运行提供依据,也为其他下水式升船机设计提供参考。
关键词:  下水式升船机  船厢  出入水  受力特性  原型观测
基金项目:国家重点研发计划资助项目(2016YFC0402002,2016YFC0402007); 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51779151)
Prototype monitoring of mechanical characteristics of large ship lift chamber filling and outleting of water
WANG Xin1,2, HU Ya'an1,2, LI Zhonghua1,2, YAN Xiujun1,2
1.State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing;2.Key Laboratory of Navigation Structure, Construction Technology of Ministry of Transport, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing
The complicate fluid-solid interactions exist in the process of filling and outleting of water for the chamber of launching-typed ship lift, which is a critical technological problem that needs related researches and engineering pratice. In view of the mechanical problems of the filling and outleting of the water for the Jinghong hydraulic ship lift chamber, the systematical prototype monitoring is conducted for the first time to study the loading-deformation characteristics of the ship chamber, the changing rules of the levelness of the chamber and the synchronizing shaft torque, the vibration response and noise of the chamber, and the slamming force and absorption force on the chamber bottom plate. Meanwhile, the influences of the running speed of the chamber is investigated. The measured results show that the maximum bending deformation of the ship chamber is about 2.7 cm, the longitudinal inclination of the vessel is less than 20 mm, the maximum torque variation is about 162 kN·m, and the vibration, noise and absorption force of the vessel are not large because of the significant changes in the side load of the ship chamber. For the filling and outleting of the water at different speeds, the variation rules of all the parameters are basically consistent. But the fluctuation of the parameters increases with the increase of the chamber speed. After water filling into the ship chamber, the situation of the ship lift is completely recovered to the state before outleting the water, and the process of the filling and outleting of the water for the chamber is very stable and convergent. The flash start moment to filling the water and the moment of the bottom plate breaking away from the water are the key point in the process. The measured results not only provide a basis for the safe operation of the Jinghong ship lift, but also provide technical references for the design of other similar ship lifts.
Key words:  Chamber-launching ship lift  chamber  filling and outleting of water  force characteristics  prototype observation