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姜昊1,2, 焦虎3, 谢意军2, 黄涌增4, 刘松明5, 王晓刚4
为揭示主要过鱼季节加查鱼道的水力学特性及集诱鱼效果,本研究通过渔获物调查确定加查鱼道内及坝下河段的鱼类群落结构,根据主要过鱼对象的游泳能力,推求鱼道适宜流速范围,并构建鱼道进口池室段的二维水动力模型,对不同流量和坝下河道水位组合工况下的鱼道流场进行数值模拟。结果显示:加查鱼道主要过鱼对象为拉萨裂腹鱼、异齿裂腹鱼和巨须裂腹鱼,其数量占比约为78.9%;鱼道流速适宜范围为0.2 ~ 1.9 m/s;坝下河道水位是影响进鱼口流速的关键因子,当河道水位较低时,鱼道进鱼口竖缝处最大流速易超过鱼类突进游泳速度,需减小鱼道流量控制进鱼口处的跌水落差。本研究通过优化加查鱼道运行参数,有效减少了进鱼口流速对于鱼类洄游的干扰,为加查鱼道的优化运行方案制定提供科学依据,对于提升鱼道的生态效益具有重要意义。
关键词:  加查鱼道  鱼类游泳能力  水动力模型  鱼道运行优化
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2022YFB3206900);水电水利规划设计总院科研项(JC2021/S03); 水电水利规划设计总院有限公司科研项目(ZX-KJHB-20220005)
Evaluation of Fish Attraction Efficiency and Operational Optimization of the Jiacha Fishway
JIANG Hao1,2, JIAO Hu3, XIE Yijun2, HUANG Yongzeng4, LIU Songming5, WANG Xiaogang4
1.China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute;2.Leshan Ecological Environmental Protection Technology Co. LTD.;3.Jiacha Hydropower Plant of Huaneng Tibet Yarlung Zangbo River Hydropower Development Investment Co. LTD.;4.Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute;5.Huaneng Tibet Brahmaputra Hydropower Development Investment Co. LTD.
To investigate the hydrodynamic characteristics and fish attraction efficiency of the Jiacha fishway during the main fish migration season, this study conducted a fish catch survey to determine the fish community structure within the fishway and the downstream section of the dam. Based on the swimming capabilities of the target fish species, the suitable flow velocity range for the fishway was estimated. A two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the fishway"s entrance pool section was constructed, and numerical simulations of the fishway"s flow field were performed under different combinations of flow rates and downstream water levels. The results showed that the main target species for the Jiacha fishway were Schizothorax waltoni, Schizothorax oconnori, and Schizothorax macropogon, accounting for approximately 78.9% of the total fish population. The suitable flow velocity range for the fishway was found to be between 0.2 and 1.9 m/s. The downstream river water level was identified as the key factor affecting the entrance flow velocity; when the river level was low, the maximum velocity at the fishway"s vertical slot entrance tended to exceed the burst swimming speed of the fish, necessitating a reduction in fishway flow to control the head drop at the entrance. By optimizing the operational parameters of the Jiacha fishway, the study effectively reduced the interference of entrance flow velocity on fish migration, providing a scientific basis for the formulation of an optimized operational plan for the fishway. This research is of significant importance for enhancing the ecological benefits of the fishway.
Key words:  Jiacha fishway  fish swimming capability  hydrodynamic model  fishway operational optimization