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王丹燕1, 杨兴国2, 周家文2, 冯震宇1, 廖海梅1
1.贵州大学土木工程学院;2.四川大学 山区河流保护与治理全国重点实验室
关键词:  堰塞坝  稳定性  机器学习  模型对比  贝叶斯网络
The stability evaluation and comparison of Landslide Dams based on Machine Learning
wangdanyan1, yangxingguo2, zhoujiawen2, fengzhenyu1, liaohaimei1
1.College of Civil Engineering, Guizhou University;2.State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University
The Landslide dam is a natural disaster caused by the blockage of river channels by slope bodies caused by collapses、landslides、mudslides, etc, which seriously threatens the safety of downstream residents’ lives and property. It is important to set emergency plans and subsequent construction to establish a fast and accurate stability prediction model. This article demonstrates a database with 380 real landslide dam cases, it selects 46 cases with complete information. The statistics of the cases selected were performed through correlation analysis and normal transformation. Five stability evaluation models were created based on machine learning algorithms: Bayesian network, Decision tree, Bagging, RBF neural network, and Logistic regression. Comparing accuracy and model comprehensive indicators of training and testing sets of five models, the Bayesian network model has the biggest accuracy and comprehensive indicators.
Key words:  landslide dam  stability  Machine Learning  model comparison  Bayesian Network