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朱林松1, 孙学武1, 邓杰传1, 温立峰2, 曹卫锋2
关键词:  混凝土防渗墙  面板堆石坝  渗流-流变耦合作用  应力变形  数值计算
Behavior of a concrete-face rockfill dam cutoff wall considering the foundation seepage-creep coupling effect
ZHU Linsong1, SUN Xuewu1, DENG Jiechuan1, Wen Lifeng2, CAO Weifeng2
1.CCCC Hehai Engineering Corporation Limited;2.Xian University of Technology
The concrete cutoff wall is the main seepage control measure for concrete-face rockfill dams (CFRDs) constructed on alluvium foundations. The cutoff walls are concealed structures, their working behavior influenced by alluvium foundation deformation and the seepage effect as critical factors. Cutoff wall behavior directly affects the foundation seepage control effect and the dam’s structural safety. The behavior of concrete cutoff walls in CFRDs built on alluvium foundations was investigated in this study through statistical analysis and numerical simulation. The cutoff wall behavior was statistically reviewed based on deformation data from several case histories. A numerical calculation model for the mechanical behavior of the cutoff wall, considering the foundation seepage–creep coupling effect, was established. A nine-parameter creep model was adopted to simulate the foundation creep behavior. The foundation seepage–creep coupling effect was simulated using a hydromechanical coupling analysis method. The cutoff wall behavior was analyzed using a combination of measured data and numerical results. The effects of the foundation seepage–creep coupling effect, dam construction speed, cutoff wall construction sequence, and depth of the cutoff wall behavior are also discussed.
Key words:  Concrete cut-off wall  Seepage–creep coupling effect  stress and deformation behavior  numerical calculation  influencing factors