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黄河河口流路运用方式面临着新形势下保障防洪安全、维持生态功能和减缓海岸蚀退等多目标需求。采用实测水文资料和现场调查资料,分析河口河道防洪形势、黄河口国家公园建设需求和备用流路现状情况。清水沟流路在小浪底调水调沙运用后防洪形势明显改善,然而仍面临着大洪水的威胁。目前河道滩地呈现约6?的倒比降,加剧了大洪水时的防洪压力。黄河口国家公园清水沟片区在清四控导工程以下无整治工程,规划的科研平台和大量基础设施要求洪水尽量不漫滩。刁口河片区规划的生态补水量为0.55 亿m3,附近海岸因长年缺乏泥沙补给处于蚀退状态。刁口河主槽淤积萎缩,滩地开发建设侵占严重,亟待长期过水加强保护。新形势下黄河河口流路运用方式为“联合运用、常态过水、平滩分流、双河行洪”。刁口河常年维持一定的过水流量。当清水沟流量达到3 500 m3/s时向刁口河分流,大洪水时两条流路作为5 000 m3/s流量的泄洪通道。
关键词:  黄河河口  多目标  流路运用  清水沟  刁口河
Study on multi-object oriented joint application of the Yellow River Estuary channels
the Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research
The application of the Yellow River Estuary channels is faced with multi-object of ensuring flood control safety, maintaining ecological functions, and mitigating coastal erosion in new circumstances. Measured hydrological data and field investigation data are used to analyze flood control situation, construction demand of Yellow River Estuary National Park and standby channel condition. Flood control situation of the Qingshuigou channel has been improved notably since the sand and water regulation operation of the Xiaolangdi reservoir. However, the Channel is still exposed to large floods, which may be aggravated by the 6? antislope of the current bottomland. The Qingshuigou part of the Yellow River Estuary National Park has no protection of regulation work downstream the Qing4 river-control work. Planned scientific research platforms and infrastructure have a requirement of flood being not over main channel as far as possible. The Diaokouhe part needs planned ecological water compensation of 0.055 billion m3, and coastline has been eroded for no sediment supply. The main channel has been silted and shrunk, and the bottomland has been severely encroached by social development and construction, which are urgent to be protected by passing flow. The use of channels is joint application, passing flow at ordinary times, diverting water at full main channel discharge, and releasing flood by two channels. The Diaokouhe channel passes certain discharge at ordinary times, diverts some discharge when the discharge of Qingshuigou channel reaching 3500m3/s. For large flood, the two channels are used as releasing passages of 5000m3/s.
Key words:  the Yellow River Estuary  multi-object  channel application  the Qingshuigou channel  the Diaokouhe channel