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黄诗渊1,2, 王俊杰1,2, 简富献1,2, 熊建宁3
1.重庆交通大学 重庆市高校水工建筑物健康诊断技术与设备工程研究中心, 重庆;2.重庆交通大学 水利水运工程教育部重点实验室, 重庆;3.重庆市水利电力建筑勘测设计研究院,重庆
关键词:  边坡-地基  应变  有限元法  稳定性系数  变形
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划资助项目(2015BAK09B01); 重庆市基础与前沿研究计划项目(重点)(cstc2015jcyjBX0139); 基础科学与前沿技术研究一般项目(cstc2017jcyjA1642); 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目(KJ1705123)
Process control of slope-foundation instability based on strain evaluation
HUANG Shiyuan1,2, WANG Junjie1,2, JIAN Fuxian1,2, XIONG Jianning3
1.Engineering Research Center of Diagnosis Technology and Instruments of HydroConstruction of Chongqing, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing;2.Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Hydraulic and Water Transport Engineering, Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing;3.Chongqing Surveying and Design Institute of Water Resource, Electric Power and Architecture, Chongqing
The traditional slope monitoring method is mainly used to monitor the horizontal displacement of the local area, however, the stress and strain index can reflect the real state of the slope more visually. Based on the principles of distributed fiber optic strain sensing monitoring technology, a numerical slope-foundation model was developed, and by using the horizontal strain index, studies of the deformation and the failure process of the model were carried out. The analysis results show that the horizontal strain index can reflect the deformation process of the slope and it can predict the actual slip surface better in the loading process, comparing with the horizontal displacement index. And there is a good logarithmic fit between the maximum horizontal strain and the stability factor in the 6 horizontal measuring lines distributed in the slope. It is suggested that the best monitoring area is the middle of the slope by comparison. In addition, by introducing the horizontal strain acceleration index (HSA), the relationships between the slope stability coefficient and HSA were captured to predict the stability degradation trend of the slope-foundation, after which the process control could be realized.
Key words:  Slope-foundation  strain  finite element method  stability coefficient  deformation