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丁大志1, 张静波2, 周向华3, 章卫胜4
关键词:  污染物输运  围垦工程  数值计算  水环境
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC0401505); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51309157)
Numerical analysis of influences of reclamation works on pollutant transportation along Shawang River estuary
DING Dazhi1, ZHANG Jingb2, ZHOU Xianghua3, ZHANG Weisheng4
1.Lianyungang Port 300 000 DWT Construction Headquarter, Lianyungang;2.Water Conservancy Bureau of Ganyu County, Lianyungang City, Lianyungang;3.Water Resources Department of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing;4.Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing
The reclamation works placed on both sides of a river mouth will not only change the river topography and a dynamic environment but also have some influences on the pollutant transportation. Taking the Shawang River estuary situated in the Ganyu county of Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Province, as a case history, the pollutant transportation influenced by the reclamation works placed on both sides of a river mouth before and after construction of the reclamation works is calculated by a 2D convection dispersion numerical model, and the influences of construction of the reclamation works on the polluted water transportation are analyzed in this paper. The results show that the reclamation works located on both sides of a river mouth may result in narrowing the flow passage and make the mouth extend towards the deep waters, which is favorable to the polluted water dilution and transportation in the deep waters by the action of stronger hydrodynamic force. Meanwhile, as the reclamation works have changed hydrodynamic force in the flow passage and the front, when the hydrodynamic force along the frond of the reclamation works goes weaker, such variation may be unfavorable to the pollutant transportation and dispersion in the waters. On the contrary, the reclamation works make the flow in the passage and the front increase, which would be advantageous to the pollutant transportation in the waters. The numerical calculation results can provide a reference for assessment of the environment impacts given by the reclamation works located at the river mouth.
Key words:  pollutant transportation and dispersion  reclamation works  numerical calculation  water environment