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陈里1, 杨渠锋2, 喻涛3,4, 王平义3,4
随着我国逐步加快在长江中上游山区河流的水利水电和港口航道工程建设,内河库港在滑坡涌浪作用下,如何保证船舶系泊安全成为一个极其关键的问题。为了提高滑坡涌浪对内河库港运行安全影响程度的认识,以江南沱口直立式高桩码头为依托,选择内河3 000 t甲板驳船为研究对象进行物理模型试验。深入分析了滑坡涌浪作用下系泊船舶系缆力和撞击能的影响因素,以及波高、水深等因素影响下系泊船舶系缆力和撞击能的变化规律。结合规范和试验数据,得出了涌浪作用下船舶系缆力和船舶撞击能的经验计算式,确定了滑坡涌浪对内河库港船舶系泊安全的影响程度,并提出了相应的对策和意见。
关键词:  滑坡涌浪  系缆力  撞击能
Model experimental studies of safety of moored ship under landslide surge action
CHEN Li1, YANG Qufeng2, YU Tao3,4, WANG Pingyi3,4
1.China Three Gorges University, Yichang;2.Guizhou Transportation Planning Survey and Design Academy Co., Ltd.,Guiyang;3.National Engineering Research Center for Inland Waterway Regulation,Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing;4.Key Laboratory of Hydraulic and Waterway Engineering of Ministry of Education, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing
With a fast development of hydraulic engineering, the hydropower engineering and port waterway engineering in the middle-upper reaches of the Yangtze River, how to ensure the safety of the moored ships in the inland navigation ports under the action of landslide surge is an extremely important issue. In order to well understand the influence degrees of the landslide surge impacting the inland navigation ports, model test researches were carried out by taking 3 000 t deck barges moored in the Jiannan Tuokou port as a research object. On the basis of analyses and studies of the impact factors of the mooring force and the impact energy by the action of the landslide surge, the change law of the mooring force and the impact energy was found out from the surge wave height and water depth. According to the specifications and test data, the empirical formula for the mooring force and impact energy was given by a regression analysis. Ascertaining the influence degrees of the landslide surge impacting the inland navigation port, some countermeasures and suggestions were put forward for the port operation and management. The research results show that the findings have a high practical value and can be applied to the forecast and prevention of the landslide surge impacts on the navigation ports located at mountain rivers.
Key words:  landslide surge  mooring line force  impact energy