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周益人, 潘军宁
关键词:  堤坝护面  开孔砌块  稳定性  波浪
Experimental studies on stability of perforated concrete block revetment under wave action
ZHOU Yi-ren, PAN Jun-ning
Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing
The concrete blocks are the major protection structures of the revetment and play an important role in revetment stability under the action of waves. In this study, systemic model test studies on the stability of new type hook perforated concrete blocks under the action of waves are carried out with focus on the practical design of dikes and breakwaters in China. The influence of the thickness of the concrete blocks, berm and wave period on the stability of the concrete blocks is analyzed, and an empirical formula to calculate the stability thickness of the concrete blocks is obtained from analyses of the factors mentioned above. It is found from the analyses that the concept of “equilibrium design” (e. g. the filters are selected for adaption to concrete blocks) should be applied to the design of the bank protection works. And the model test results can be beneficial to the design of the concrete block revetment for coasts, river banks, large lakes and reservoirs and will be a guide to the selection and design of the revetment works.
Key words:  dike and revetment  perforated concrete block  stability  wave