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关键词:  防波堤; 桶式结构; 模型试验  气密性; 有限元分析
Pneumatic experiment and finite element analysis of bucket foundation model
GONG Jin-xin1, GAO Shu-fei2, CHEN Hao-qun3, SHEN Xue-song4
1.State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian;2.State Key Laboratory of Hydrology Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Nanjing;3.CCCC Third Harbor Consultants Co., Ltd., Shanghai;4.Lianyungang Administrating Bureau of Harbor
The bucket foundation is a new kind of the marine structures which are suitable for application to soft soil. For its reliability, extensive experimental investigations have been conducted on its capacity, stability and hydrodynamic characteristics during service life, but less attention is paid to its behaviors during construction. A model scaled 1∶8 is fabricated and experimented in the laboratory. The internal force, deformation and airtightness under specified positive and negative pressures were investigated, and the relationships between strain and loading duration of each monitoring point were recorded. Elastic finite element analyses were carried out by using a commercial software ABAQUS and the results were compared with those obtained from the indoor experiments. The research results show that the model behaved well during the experiment and the strain of concrete and steel bar approximately varied in parallel with the loading process. The results of the elastic finite element analysis agree well with the results of the indoor experiments.
Key words:  breakwater  bucket foundation  model experiment  airtightness  finite element analysis