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混凝土的早期抗裂问题是当前国内外研究的热点之一。为了探究多孔钢渣对混凝土抗压强度和早期抗裂性能的影响,采用预吸水多孔钢渣等量部分替代混凝土中粗集料配制钢渣混凝土,并用刀口法研究不同水灰比和不同钢渣掺量对混凝土早期抗裂性能的影响规律。研究发现:掺加预吸水多孔钢渣混凝土7 d和28 d的抗压强度明显优于对照组,并且仅从抗压强度角度判断,钢渣在混凝土中存在最优掺量;掺加预吸水多孔钢渣后,混凝土裂缝初裂时间后移,裂缝最大宽度、单位面积上总开裂面积明显缩小,早期抗裂性能增强。从内养护角度分析,多孔钢渣能够改善混凝土内部相对湿度,从而抑制了混凝土早期收缩,有助于提高混凝土早期抗裂性能。
关键词:  多孔钢渣  混凝土  刀口法  早期抗裂性能
Analysis of influence of pre-soaked porous steel slag on early crack resistance of concrete
Xinjiang Survey and Design Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower
The early cracking in concrete is one of the hot spots of current researches at home and abroad. In this study, in order to explore the influence of the pre-soaked porous steel slag on the early crack resistance of concrete, we mixed the pre-soaked porous steel slag into concrete, replaced part of the coarse aggregate amount and used the knife-edge method to study the early crack resistance of concrete. The test content is mainly divided into two parts, the strength tests and the early crack resistance tests. The analysis results show that 7 d and 28 d compressive strengths of the steel slag concrete are superior to the control group, and only judging by the compressive strength, there is the optimal dosage of the porous steel slag in concrete. After adding the pre-absorbent porous slag to concrete, it causes a delay in the initial cracking of concrete, the maximum crack width and total crack area on per unit area are significantly reduced, and the early cracking resistance of concrete is enhanced significantly. From the point of view of internal curing, analysis results show that the porous steel slag can improve the internal relative humidity of concrete, thus inhibiting the shrinkage of concrete at the early age, and be favorable for the improvement of the early cracking resistance of concrete.
Key words:  porous steel slag  concrete  knife edge method  early crack resistance