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江苏省水运工程技术研究中心, 江苏省交通规划设计院股份有限公司
以正面袭击江苏的“达维”台风为例,运用台风参数模型、第三代波浪模型和基于浅水方程水动力模型对台风期间江苏沿海的风暴增减水进行模拟研究。首先,运用Je氏台风参数模型模拟了台风的梯度风场,并与NECP再分析风场数据对“达维”台风场进行合成,与观测值进行比较,拟合结果良好;然后,以模拟的台风风场为驱动,模拟台风经过期间江苏海域的波浪场,同时计算台风期间江苏海域的天文潮;最后,运用浅水方程计算江苏海域的增减水,并研究了沿海增减水分布情况。研究结果表明:灌河口附近最大风暴增水达1.9 m左右,由于台风中心位置的影响,江苏沿海最大增水从北往南呈先增大后递减的趋势。
关键词:  台风参数模型  风暴潮; 增减水  江苏海域
基金项目:国家863计划资助项目(2012AA112509);江苏省沿海建港条件及关键技术集成研究 (2011Y01)
A study of storm surge in Jiangsu sea waters based on a typhoon parameter model
WANG Xian-mei1, ZHAI Jian-feng, DONG Pei-hua, FAN Fei2
1.Aquatic Transportation Center of Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Province Communications Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd.;2.College of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering, Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University
Taking the typhoon “Damrey” hitting land of Jiangsu Province as a case history, based on a typhoon parameter model, the third generation wave model and a hydrodynamic mode1 on the basis of a shallow water equation, simulation study of the storm surge in Jiangsu sea waters is carried out in this paper. The typhoon landed on Lianyungang waters of Jiangsu sea waters. Firstly, the gradient wind filed of the typhoon “Damrey” was computed by a Jele wind parameters model, then the NECP ambient wind field and gradient wind field are compounded, and the typhoon “Damrey” field was formed. Model analysis indicates that there are good fitting results between the simulated values and the measured values of the typhoon data. And then, the wave parameters of Jiangsu sea waters during typhoon have been calculated by a wave model, which was driven by the typhoon wind field. At the same time, the tidal current of Jiangsu sea waters during typhoon was simulated with a shallow water equation. Last, a study of the water level fluctuation of storm surge induced by the typhoon “Damrey” in Jiangsu sea waters has been carried out. The analysis results show that the largest storm surge occurred on Guanhe River estuary during the tyohoon, which is up to 1.9 m. The largest surge of the observation point of Jiangsu sea waters increases before decrease in the storm surge from north to south Jiangsu Province, due to the impacts given by the typhoon centre.
Key words:  a typhoon parameter model  storm surge  water level fluctuation of storm surge  Jiangsu sea waters