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何宁1, 丁勇2, 吴玉龙2, 周彦章1, 李登华1, 何斌1
1.南京水利科学研究院 水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室;2.南京理工大学
关键词:  分布式光纤测温  堤坝  渗漏  室内试验  现场原型试验
Experimental study of distributed optical fiber temperature measurement technology for measuring leakage in embankment dam
HE Ning1, DING Yong2, WU Yu-long2, ZHOU Yan-zhang1, LI Deng-hua1, HE Bin1
1.State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute;2.Nanjing University of Science and Technology
The technology of temperature measurement by distributed optic fiber is introduced in this paper. By laboratory tests and field tests, comparison and selection of distributed temperature measurement optic fiber, analysis of its accuracy and stability, monitoring and analyzing leakage in the embankment dam using distributed optic fiber, comparing with conventional monitoring technology, and it’s engineering applications are carried out. Based on these tests, the feasibility of and applicability to the monitor of the leakage in the embankment dam using distributed optic fiber are discussed. The technology of temperature measurement by distributed Raman optic fiber, whose sensitivity of temperature is ±0.5 ℃, is feasible in monitoring leakage in the embankment dam using temperature gradient analysis method and heating method. Comparing with the results measured by conventional monitoring technology, the accuracy of data measured by distributed Raman optic fiber and its reliability of monitoring leakage in the embankment dam have been verified. Monitoring leakage in the embankment dam using distributed optic fiber has obvious advantages, such as distributedness, long range and anti-interference.
Key words:  technology of temperature measurement by distributed optic fiber  embankment dam  leakage  laboratory tests  filed tests