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徐武雄1, 初秀民2, 刘兴龙2
1.武汉理工大学 水路公路交通安全控制与装备教育部工程研究中心,湖北科技学院 电信学院;2.武汉理工大学 水路公路交通安全控制与装备教育部工程研究中心
关键词:  船舶交通流  建模与仿真  蒙特卡罗方法  智能体
分类号:U675; TP391.9
Review of modeling and simulation of vessel traffic flow
XU Wu-xiong1,2, CHU Xiu-min1, LIU Xing-long1
1.Engineering Research Center for Transportation Safety, Ministry of Education, Wuhan University of Technology;2.The School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Hubei University of Science and Technology
The vessel traffic flow is affected by many factors and it is difficult to describe it with an accurate mathematic model. So it is studied by means of simulation in order to analyze quantitatively or visually the behavior characteristics and laws of vessels and to evaluate the transit capacity of channels, navigation risk, organization and management ability and so on. In this paper, a review is made on the modeling and simulation of the vessel traffic flow. Firstly the research status of simulating the vessel traffic flow is introduced; secondly its core content and process are refined; thirdly its modeling methods are discussed; fourthly its key technologies are analyzed; fifthly its main applications are summed up and finally its development trends are presented. Simulation modeling theory and method as well as implementation technology for the vessel traffic flow are not mature, and there are many problems to be solved. The domestic research lags behind that of foreign countries, therefore it is necessary to promote the relevant research to provide techuical support to the development of a green, safe and efficient maritime traffic.
Key words:  vessel traffic flow  modeling and simulation  Monte Carlo method  agent