引用本文:丁 跃,张友利,唐云清,王玉波.秦淮河船闸扩容改造工程围堰设计方案优化[J].水利水运工程学报,2014,(3):92-97
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丁 跃1, 张友利2, 唐云清2, 王玉波3
1.江苏省淮沭新河管理处;2.南京水利科学研究院, 江苏科兴工程建设监理有限公司;3.江苏科兴工程建设监理有限公司
关键词:  秦淮河  船闸  强渗透性  围堰方案  设计优化
Cofferdam design optimization for modification work of Qinhuai River shiplock
DING Yue1, ZHANG You-li2, TANG Yun-qing2, WANG Yu-bo3
1.Jiangsu Province Huai Shu New Canal Administrative Office;2.Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, Jiangsu Kexing Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.;3.Jiangsu Kexing Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.
Owing to the strong permeability of the cofferdam foundation in the expansion and modification project of the Qinhuai River shiplock, the cofferdam foundation must have a good anti-seepage capacity to ensure that the main body of the shiplock is under construction on a dry site. There were some problems in the original design proposals for the cofferdam structure, and hence it is necessary to further optimize the design schemes. After making the comparison and optimization of three kinds of the cofferdam structure design schemes:“filling sand bags + impervious curtain, clay filling + impervious curtain + backpressure platforms and clay filling + impervious curtain + steel sheet pile”, a final design scheme “clay filling + impervious curtain + backpressure platforms” has been adopted, thus ensuring the safety of the cofferdam structure and flood control progress, and having significant economic benefits. All of those may provide a useful reference for the design of the cofferdam structure with similar geological conditions.
Key words:  Qinhuai River  shiplock  strong permeability  scheme of cofferdam  design optimization