引用本文:胡 珩,董志良.基于正交试验法的海堤安全监控控制标准[J].水利水运工程学报,2014,(3):55-61
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胡 珩, 董志良
关键词:  海堤稳定  正交试验法  水平位移速率  施工监控  控制标准
Monitoring control standard for seawall based on orthogonal design
HU Heng, DONG Zhi-liang
CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Institute Co., Ltd.
The seawall stability influenced by many factors has always been one of the difficult problems in engineering construction. Construction monitoring is an available method to improve the safety of the seawall, which has been widely used in seawall construction of hydraulic engineering and port waterway engineering. However, the quality of the construction monitoring mostly depends upon reasonableness of the control standard, and a reasonable and available monitoring control standard is the important prerequisite to ensure the construction monitoring. At present, in the current engineering practice the control standard is still mainly based on engineering experiences, lacking in appropriate theoretical basis. Taking a seawall project as a case study, many factors of the seawall stability are analyzed with the orthogonal design, and it is found that the most important factor impacting the seawall stability is the angle of internal friction. And based on this point for analyzing the relationship between the safety factors and the horizontal displacement rates, the monitoring control standard of the horizontal displacement rates is put forward. The engineering practice, showing that the control standards can well reflect the deformation characteristics of the seawall, can provide a lot of references for similar works in the development of scientific and reasonable control standards.
Key words:  seawall stability  orthogonal design  horizontal displacement rate  construction monitoring  control standard