引用本文:石 莎,范子武,张 铭,费香波,乌景秀.浯溪口水利枢纽溃坝洪水模拟[J].水利水运工程学报,2013,(6):67-73
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石 莎, 范子武, 张 铭, 费香波, 乌景秀
浯溪口水利枢纽位于昌江干流中游,是一座以防洪为主的水利工程,其溃坝洪水研究对于下游景德镇市防洪风险管理具有十分重要的意义.应用TELEMAC-2D建立了浯溪口水利枢纽二维溃坝洪水演进数学模型.模型模拟范围以60 m等高线为界,坝址为上游边界,下游出口距坝址62 km.模型采用非结构化三角形网格划分,局部加密.应用昌江河水面线和樟树坑水位流量过程线的实测值对模型合理性进行了验证,模型计算值与实测值基本吻合,说明TELEMAC-2D能较好地模拟河流洪水演进.进而取用不同入库洪水重现期在漫顶溃坝情况下的溃决流量过程作为洪水演进的上游边界条件,模拟计算出不同溃坝流量下浯溪口大坝下游洪水水力特性参数(水深、流量和淹没范围等),为浯溪口溃坝风险图绘制及大坝下游城市防洪管理提供了科学依据.
关键词:  浯溪口水利枢纽  TELEMAC 2D  溃坝洪水模拟
Dam-break flood simulation for Wuxikou hydroproject
SHI Sha, FAN Zi-wu, ZHANG Ming, FEI Xiang-bo, WU Jing-xiu
Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute
The Wuxikou hydroproject is located in the middle reach of the Chang River in Jiangxi Province, China. The Wuxikou dam is an important flood control project for the downstream area. Simulation of Wuxikou dam-break flood routing is very important for Jingdezhen flood risk management. In this paper, a two-dimensional dam break flood routing model for the Wuxikou hydroproject is established, based on the shallow water equations by use of the computational code TELEMAC-2D. The downstream reaches are about 62 km length and the reach below the elevation of 60 m is chosen as a research range. The computational range is meshed with triangular elements which are refined locally. The discharge at the dam site and the stage-discharge relation curve are used as the upstream and downstream boundary conditions. The numerical model is verified with field data at the Chang River and Zhangshukeng hydrologic station. Both the simulated values and the meseared values are generally in good agreement, which shows that the TELEMAC-2D model is suitable for dam-break flood routing. The model is applied to simulate the dam-break flood routing under different flood return periods, where dam-break is caused by overtopping flow. The hydraulic characteristic parameters such as depth, discharge and peak flow time, etc. are given by the model, which will be as the basic information for flood risk management mapping and provide the scientific basic for downstream city flood mapping and for downstream city flood control management.
Key words:  Wuxikou hydroproject  TELEMAC 2D  dam break flood simulation