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王纯合, 翟爱良, 季昌良, 韩健, 王成名
山东农业大学 水利土木工程学院
关键词:  再生砖骨料  混凝土梁  斜截面  再生砖骨料取代率
Experimental studies on shear performance of recycled brick coarse aggregate concrete beam
WANG Chun-he, ZHAI Ai-liang, JI Chang-liang, HAN Jian, WANG Cheng-ming
Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College, Shandong Agricultural University
In order to study the difference of the ultimate bearing capacity, the diagonal cracking development situation and the fracture morphology between 5 beams which have the same axial compressive strength, 5 recycled brick coarse aggregate concrete beams having different replacement ratios of the recycled coarse aggregate are made and the static loading tests on 5 beams are carried out. The test results show that the diagonal cracking development situation and the fracture morphology of the recycled brick coarse aggregate concrete beam are typical shear compression failure and similar to the natural aggregate concrete beams; but the cracking load, the load during diagonal crack and ultimate load are lower than those 〖JP2〗of the natural aggregate concrete beams. When the replacement ratio of the recycled coarse aggregate is more than 50%, the recycled brick coarse aggregate concrete beams show good mechanical properties in the course of experiments and can be considered to apply to engineering practices.
Key words:  recycled brick coarse aggregate  concrete beam  diagonal section  replacement ratio of recycled coarse aggregate