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朱俊高1,2, 轩向阳1,2, 薄以霆3
1.河海大学 岩土力学与堤坝工程教育部重点实验室;2.河海大学 岩土工程研究所;3.苏州市水利工程质量检测中心有限公司
我国相关规范测定粗粒土最大干密度的方法之一为表面振动压实仪法,该法规定的激振时间及表面压重主要参考国外相关规范,国内这方面研究较少.采用表面振动压实仪法测定了2种粗粒土多种级配土料的干密度,研究了激振时间及表面压重对粗粒土干密度的影响规律.试验表明,在试验时间(8 min)内,粗粒土干密度和相对密度都随激振时间的增加而增大,但增幅逐渐减小;激振时间达到6 min时,干密度和相对密度基本达到最大值,趋于稳定.不同压重下的粗粒土干密度测定试验结果表明,在一定的压重范围内,粗粒土干密度和相对密度都随着压重的增加而增大,且增幅逐渐减小.
关键词:  粗粒土  干密度  激振时间  压重
Influence factors of dry density of coarse grained soil measured by surface vibrating compactor
ZHU Jun-gao1,2, XUAN Xiang-yang1,2, BO Yi-ting3
1.Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geo-mechanics and Embankment Engineering, Hohai University;2.Geotechnical Research Institute, Hohai University;3.Suzhou Water Engineering Quality Test Center Co.
The surface vibrating compactor is a method to measure the maximum dry density of the coarse grained soil, which is recommended by relevant testing standard codes. However, some parameters for surface pressure and vibrating time are determined by referring to some foreign standard codes, and the research on this area can almost not be found at home. The dry density of two kinds of coarse-grained soil is determined by using the surface vibrating compactor to investigate the influence of vibrating time and surface pressure on dry density. The test results indicate that the dry density and the relative density of the coarse-grained soil become bigger and the amplification reduces gradually with testing time. When the vibrating time is six minutes, the dry density and the relative density basically reach the maximum and tend to be stable. The tests of dry density under different surface pressures show that both the dry density and the relative density of the coarse-grained soil increase with the increase of surface pressure, but the amplification reduces gradually.
Key words:  coarse-grained soil  dry density  vibrating time  surface pressure