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1. 后勤工程学院,重庆市地质灾害防治中心,重庆,400041
2. 中国中铁二院工程集团有限责任公司,四川,成都,610031
关键词:  涉水岸坡  稳定性分析  治理工程  非稳态渗流  浸润面  有限元强度折减法
分类号:O241.82 TV697.23
Application of strength reduction FEM in fording slope
ZHENG Ying-ren1,TANG Xiao-song1,ZHAO Shang-yi1,LI An-hong2
ZHENG Ying-ren1,TANG Xiao-song1,ZHAO Shang-yi1,LI An-hong2(1.Logistical Engineering University,Chongqing Geological Hazard Prevention and Treatment Center,Chongqing 400041,China,2.China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co.,Ltd.,Chengdu 610031,China)
With the construction of large and medium sized reservoirs, a lot of fording slopes appear and the change of reservoir water level will influence the slope stability, which would lead to landslides, even geological hazards. The stability analysis becomes very complicated since the fluctuation of water level would cause unstable seepage for the underground water inside the slope. At present, researchers mostly adopt the methods of empirical generalization or copy standards in practical engineering, which will make the design subjective and qualitative. So the researches on the methods of stability analysis are significant to engineering safety, environment protection and hazard prevention both theoretically and practically. In the paper, some achievements of stability analysis by the authors are introduced, including the solution to phreatic surface during the change of water level, the application of strength reduction FEM in stability analysis and the application of embedded anti-slide piles in the controlling engineering.
Key words:  fording slopes  stability analysis  controlling engineering  unstable seepage  phreatic surface  strength reduction FEM