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大型矩型水工渡槽三维流固耦合动力分析 |
1. 华北水利水电学院,土木与交通学院,河南,郑州,450011 2. 华北水利水电学院,土木与交通学院,河南,郑州,450011;同济大学,土木工程学院,上海,200092
摘要: |
建立了流固耦合(FSI)系统的位移一压力(ui,p)有限元格式,给出流固耦合系统的动力特性方程;并基于FSI系统的(ui,P)格式建立槽体-水体-槽墩-基础-地基系统的力学模型,采用非对称模态提取法求解了4种水深下渡槽的动力特性,计算了4种水深、2种强震作用下大型渡槽的动力响应,得到了不同水深、不同激励下渡槽结构动力特性和动力响应的变化规律.计算结果表明,基于FSI的(ui,p)格式,考虑了槽体与水体的相互作用,简化了计算模型,提高了计算精度. |
关键词: 渡槽 流固耦合 位移-压力有限元 动力分析 |
DOI: |
分类号:TV672.3 |
基金项目:南水北调工程建设重大关键技术研究及应用项目 |
3D dynamic analyses of fluid-solid-interaction of large-sized rectangular hydraulic aqueduct |
WANG Qing-yun1,ZHANG Duo-xin2,BAI Xin-li1
WANG Qing-yun1,ZHANG Duo-xin1,2,BAI Xin-li1(1.School of Civil Engineering , Communication,North China Institute of Water Conservancy , Hydroelectric Power,Zhengzhou 450011,China,2.College of Civil Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract: |
In this paper,the FEA formulation of fluid-solid-interaction(FSI) system is established based on the formulation of displacement and pressure degree of freedom(ui,p),the dynamic nature property equation of FSI system is set up,and the dynamic analysis model of the large aqueduct,which includes the aqueduct body-water-pier of aqueduct-foundation-ground system based on the formation(ui,p) of FSI system,is founded.Considering four kinds of water depth in the aqueduct,the dynamic nature properties of the aquedu... |
Key words: aqueduct fluid-solid interaction(FSI) displacement-pressure FEM dynamic analysis |