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1. 西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院,陕西,杨凌,712100
2. 中国水电顾问集团成都勘测设计研究院,四川,成都,610072
关键词:  双腹箱形梁  翼缘开洞  有限元分析  修正系数
分类号:TB302 O241.82
Finite element analysis of large size box beam with flange openings
LIU Xia1,LI Zong-li1,JIA Shi-kai2
The large size double-web box beam with various holes at bottom flange is analyzed by using finite element method. The law of stress-strain and mid-span deflection is investigated regarding the width and position of holes as variables. Results show that the mid-span deflection is intensive along with the holes moving toward mid- span and the width increment of holes. When the distance from hole to steadier exceeds 30% of the beam length, the normal stress of the mid-span will greatly weaken. But if the distance is less than 30% of the beam length,the influence of holes on normal stress of mid-span wont make much difference. The normal stress of profile in bottom flange and the difference between mechanics of materials and finite element analysis results increase as the width of holes increases,but the difference in the shear strength of this profile is approximate. At last,a simple comparison is made between FEA results and materials mechanics results, and the correction coefficient is thus obtained for design.
Key words:  double-web box beam  flange openings  finite-element analysis  correction coefficient